
We're excited to announce that as of today, we’ve revamped the look and released version 1.4.0 of our API. We've simplified the guides to make them easier to follow, more to the point, and overall much simpler to understand. From this point on, we're committed to being more attentive to the details, making improvements simply because we want it to be better. We'll also follow up closely on your feedback to keep enhancing the experience.

Until next time—here’s to clean, bug-free code.

As of today, we’re committing to bringing our documentation up to the latest standards and ensuring it’s well-managed from this point forward. We know there have been complaints about our API reference, but this changes today.

Expect changes to the page over the next 14 days as we build a solid foundation to improve on. If you notice technical issues with the site before November 13, 2024, this is normal and expected.

Until the next time—and in between times—we wish you bug-free code.