Business Common Variables
Business Common Variables and their Definitions
Business Common Variables and their definitions
"achCompanyId": "string"
The ID reference for the ACH company."businessEntityType": "SOLE_PROPRIETOR"
The type of the business entity."businessId": 0
The unique ID number assigned to the business."businessIdType": "EIN"
The type of ID used for the business."businessName": "string"
The official name of the business."cipStatus": "PASS"
The status of the Customer Identification Program, which checks the identity of customers."customerToken": "string"
The unique token assigned to the customer."customerId": 0"
The unique ID number assigned to the customer."dba": "string"
Business operating name if it's different than the legal name (Doing Business As)."description": "string"
The description about some particular field."documentId": "documentId"
The unique ID assigned to a specific document."documentType": "ID_DOCUMENT_FRONT"
The type of document being provided."email": "string"
The email of the customer or the entity."emailVerified": "2024-03-02T18:31:14.810Z"
The timestamp when the customer's email was verified."entityType": "entityType"
The type of entity. Default value:"entityType"
"externalId": "string"
An ID that is used for identifying the entity externally."formationDate": "2024-03-02T18:31:14.803Z"
The formation date of the business entity."idNumber": "string"
The unique ID number assigned to a particular parameter."incorporationState": "string"
The state where the business entity has been incorporated."isControlPerson": true
Boolean indicating if the person is a controlling person in the entity."mobilePhone": "string"
Mobile phone number of the user."mobilePhoneVerified": "2024-03-02T18:31:14.810Z"
The timestamp when the user's mobile phone number was verified."name": "string"
Name of the person or entity."onboardingApplicationComplete": true
Boolean indicating if the onboarding application process is completed."ownership": "string"
Ownership details of the entity."password": "string"
Password for the user's account."productId": 0"
Unique ID assigned to a product."sdnEntityId": "sdnEntityId"
ID associated with a specially designated national (SDN) entity."status": "ACTIVE"
The status of the user or the entity."tcAgreed": true
Boolean indicating if the person or entity agreed with terms and conditions."title": "string"
The title of a person within the entity."uboId": "uboId"
The ID reference to an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO)."userDetails": "userDetails"
Details associated with a specific user."username": "string"
The username for the account."verificationId": "string"
The ID related to the verification process of the entity or user."verificationLastActionBy": "string"
The username of the user who last interacted with the verification."verificationLastActionDate": "2024-03-02T18:31:14.810Z"
The last action date and time during the verification process."verificationResult": "string"
The result from the verification process."verificationReviewCode": "string"
The review code generated during the verification process."verificationStartDate": "2024-03-02T18:31:14.810Z"
The start date and time of the verification process."verificationStartedBy": "string"
The user who started the verification process."verificationStatus": "NOT_STARTED"
The current status of the verification process."website": "string"
The website URL of the entity.
Updated 9 days ago