The Businesses section provides an overview of the API endpoints associated with managing business accounts. This includes creating, updating, and retrieving business customer information, as well as handling UBOs (Ultimate Beneficial Owners) and their identity verification.
Key Concepts for Business Management
- Business Accounts: Core operations allow you to create, retrieve, update, and delete business accounts, ensuring complete control over business customer information.
- UBO Management: UBOs (Ultimate Beneficial Owners) are individuals with significant ownership or control over a business. This section includes endpoints to manage UBOs, such as adding, updating, and verifying their identities through KYC (Know Your Customer) checks.
Common Business Operations
- Retrieve Business Accounts: Access lists of business customers and their associated accounts.
- Update Business Information: Modify business customer details and manage account statuses.
- UBO Verification: Perform identity verification for UBOs to comply with regulatory requirements.
Updated 4 months ago