Transaction Common Terms and Variables
General Variables:
accountNumber: A string that represents the account number in numeral format.
addenda: Additional string data related to the transaction.
amount: The amount to be transacted; must be greater than 0 and can use decimal points with xx.xx as the required format.
beginDate: The starting date of the period for which transactions are sought.
counterpartyId: The ID of the counterparty involved in the transaction in numeral format.
description: A string description of the transaction.
direction: Indicates whether the transaction is a credit or debit. Only options are CREDIT or DEBIT.
endDate: The ending date of the period for which transactions are sought.
externalId: An external string ID that can be passed in to identify the transaction.
inbound: Indicates whether the ACH transaction is inbound (true) or outbound (false).
linkedPaymentId: The ID of the linked payment. E.g. a returned ACH transaction is linked to the origin transaction. A fee transaction is linked to the transaction that triggered the fee.
paymentId: The ID of the payment.
productId: The ID associated with the product.
searchKeyWords: The keywords to be used to filter the list, based on ProductID, businessID, individualID or counterpartyID.
secCode: The Standard Entry Class (SEC) code for ACH transactions.
service: The options for service level of the transaction are STANDARD and SAME_DAY.
transactionTypes: The type of the transactions.
updatedEnd: The end date/time for the search in ISO 8601 format (e.g., “2022-09-30T19:35:01.058Z”).
updatedStart: The start date/time for the search in ISO 8601 format (e.g., “2022-09-01T19:35:01.058Z”).
userDetails: Details of the user for which the counterparty list needs to be fetched. It should be in the JSON format.
Detailed Definitions:
SecCode represents the Standard Entry Class code for ACH transactions.
Here are all the SecCodes:
- 'TEL': Telephone-Initiated Entry
- 'CCD': Corporate Credit or Debit
- 'CIE': Customer Initiated Entries
- 'PPD': Prearranged Payment and Deposit Entry
- 'WEB': Internet-Initiated/Mobile Entries
Decline Options
In the event of a transaction being declined, the following codes can be returned:
- ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND: No Account Found
- CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND: No Customer Found
- CUSTOMER_NOT_UNIQUE: Unique Customer Not Found
- PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND: Product Not Found
- REJECTED_CUSTOMER_STATE: This is part of the DataValidationException.class or EntityNotFoundException.class
Transaction Types
The variable transactionTypes represents the type of the transactions.
To see the list of transactionTypes, use endpoint GET transaction/transactionTypes.
Status Options
The variable status represents the status of the transaction.
Here are all the possible status:
INITIATED: The transaction initiation process has begun.
MANUAL_REVIEW: The transaction is under manual review.
SUBMITTED: The transaction has been submitted for processing.
SENT: The transaction was sent successfully.
CONTESTED: The transaction has been contested by one of the parties.
DISHONERED: The transaction has been dishonored.
REJECTED: The transaction has been rejected due to various reasons.
CANCELED: The transaction has been canceled.
RETURNED: The ACH transaction was returned.
PENDING: The transaction is still pending approval or completion.
POSTED: The transaction has been posted to the account.
Updated about 2 months ago